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About us...

The Opechee Garden Club is established exclusively for charitable purposes and the primary purpose of the Club shall be to stimulate interest in gardens, nature study, conservation, community betterment, and the active participation in Club projects.


We meet monthly from April to November at the Gilford Community Church. Light refreshments are provided at the beginning of the meeting followed by a short business session and a featured guest speaker. We do not hold meetings in July or August as we are busy working on public gardens.


We try to do as many "hands on" workshops as we can as well as field trips to gardens and other interesting sites. Every other summer we sponsor a Garden Tour featuring five to six gardens in the Laconia/Gilford area. We get together in December for our annual Greens Workshop and Greens Sale.


Scholarships and Grants:

Opechee Garden Club scholarships, made through the Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation, are awarded annually to one or more students pursuing a field of study  in Botany, Forestry, Conservation, Landscaping, or any other related field. These awards are made in May of each year.



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